Dual Credit Coursework


Dual credit courses are available to students in grades 11-12 at the 
rate of $50.84 per credit.

·       Classes are offered online through the following South Dakota Board of Regents universities: Black Hills State University, Dakota State University, Northern State University, SD School of Mines, University of South Dakota, South Dakota State University,  and Vocational Colleges—Lake Area Technical College, Western Dakota Technical College, Mitchell Technical College and Southeast Technical College.

·       Classes from any of the above named Board of Regents (BOR) universities will transfer to other South Dakota BOR schools. Technical Colleges have a limited number of courses that will transfer to BOR schools. Students are encouraged to consult with the school of their choice regarding the transferability of credits earned.

What is dual credit? Dual credit is an opportunity for high school students who meet college admissions standards to enroll in public college/vocational colleges in South Dakota and simultaneously earn credits for their high school diploma and university/vocational degree or certificate.  Because of our location, these classes for Philip students are delivered online. 

State enrollment requirements for Seniors – must meet one of the following:

·       Earn a minimum composite ACT score of 21 or higher

·       Rank in the upper 1/2 of their graduating class

·        Earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25

·        Score a 3 or 4 on both the SD Math and SD ELA Assessments during spring testing Junior year.

State enrollment requirements for Juniors – must meet one of the following:

·      Earn an ACT score of 24 or higher

·      Rank in the upper 1/3 in class

·      Earn a 3.5+ high school GPA

Additional requirements for enrollment:

 ·     In addition the above requirements, to enroll, Philip High School students must earn no semester grade below a C- in all Philip High School classes the previous semester.

·      Daily attendance at PHS during Dual Credit hours is required.  If a dual credit student exceeds  10 absences in one semester, they will not be allowed to enroll in dual credit courses the following semester.

·       Prior to enrolling in dual credit courses, the student and at least one parent must attend a dual  credit informational meeting held during spring parent teacher conferences, or meet individually with Mrs. DeJong to go over the meeting information.

Online Registration
Summer Dual Credit Opens March 1
Fall Dual Credit Opens April 1
Spring Dual Credit Opens November 1

Complete the online registration for the applicable school:

o South Dakota Board of Regents

o South Dakota Technical Colleges

Look for online course offerings:

Visit  Dual Credit Dashboard  to view course offerings and other dual credit information.

For more information please contact [email protected].