Philip Scotties Alumni Page

Welcome, Philip Alumni!
The Philip Alumni Association is focused on bringing resources to you, Philip Alumni, to help foster an ever-growing network of past Philip HS graduates. Use the tools below to help strengthen this network by updating information, searching for past Philip graduates, or nominating someone for the Philip High School Hall of Fame!
if you'd like to receive our newsletter!
We look forward to the future, as we build off of Philip Scottie memories!

Alumni List
PHS Alumni
PHS Alumni
Click on the above files to download the PHS Alumni List.
Once the file is open, use the "Search" option or CTRL+F (find) to look for a specific person.
To submit any changes or additions to the PHS Alumni List, please send an email to:
[email protected]

Philip High School Alumni Hall of Fame
PHS Alumni Hall of Fame Nomination Form
Do you know of someone who should be in the Philip High School Hall of Fame?
Click on the form above, fill it out, and send it our way!

Philip Scotties Alumni - Philip High School Alumni
Do you ever wonder where your classmates are now, and what adventures they've been up to since graduation? Here's a great link that you can use to keep up with friends.
Some Philip Alumni have organized a page that you can go to and discover the friends and classmates that you went to school with! There's also some great Scottie things that you can order on the site.
Click on the link above to access the page. Go Scotties!